Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mary Flanagan's

With the acceleration of seek engines as a aperture to accessing the web in the backward 1990s, abounding net artists angry their absorption to accompanying themes. The 2001 'Data Dynamics' display at the Whitney Museum of American Art featured 'Netomat' (Maciej Wisniewski) and 'Apartment' (Marek Walczak and Martin Wattenberg, which acclimated seek queries as raw material. Mary Flanagan's 'The Perpetual Bed' accustomed absorption for its atypical use of 3D nonlinear anecdotal space, or what she alleged "navigable narratives." 10 11 Her 2001 plan in the Whitney Biennial, 'collection' calm items from harder drives about the apple and displayed them in a 'computational aggregate unconscious.'12 Golan Levin's 'The Secret Lives of Numbers' (2000) visualized the "popularity" of the numbers 1 to 1,000,000 as abstinent by Alta Vista seek results. Such works acicular to another interfaces and questioned the ascendant role of seek engines in authoritative admission to the net.

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